What is a hotel boutique? And what is the difference with ordinary hotels?

In the article on different types of hotels, we said that the hotel boutique is an independent hotel that does not have more than 200 rooms. It is built in a city or country that hosts tourists, in accordance with local culture, history and characteristics. Boutique hotels are mid-scale; For travelers who want both comfortable and cheap accommodation. In fact, boutique hotels are located somewhere between the motel and the 5-star luxury hotel, so due to the reasonable price of the reservation, they are of interest to a wide range of tourists. There are some interesting things about the hotel boutique that we will review below:
Why do we use the word boutique?
• How did hotel boutiques come into being?
• What are the differences between hotel boutiques and regular hotels?

Why the word boutique in a hotel boutique?

The simplest interpretation of a hotel boutique is: “A small culture-related business that has transformed according to the needs of the day.” Another simple meaning of a hotel boutique is: “A simple, small and stylish hotel located in the tourist part of the city”. Most boutique hotels can be found in parts of the city where the sense of culture and history of the city is more visible.
There is no specific meaning or definition for hotel boutiques; However, if we look at all the boutiques of the hotels together, we get constant features between them. Compared to regular hotels, boutique hotels are usually smaller, more intimate, have more artistic features, and have a higher focus on hotel design. It is because of these features that hotel boutiques are trending in the virtual world, especially Instagram.

A quick look at the history of hotel boutiques

During the 1940s and 1950s, when hotel chains around the world were expanding rapidly, various cities hosted capitalists. Marriott, Holiday Inn and Hilton were hotel leaders at the time. While these hotel chains were developing, other investors and hoteliers were thinking about how they could differentiate their hotel from other hotels. The first sparks of the hotel boutique were emerging.
Before the advent of hotel boutiques, various solutions were found and used; Such as offering local cuisine, variety in interior design, creativity in new offers and any other way that could maintain the survival of the hotel between chain hotels. Despite the desire to build a hotel independent of the hotel chain, this did not happen until the 1960s and 1970s. With only a decade to go before the hotel boutique was created, hoteliers were always looking for a solution.
Finally, in 1980, Steve Ruble used the term hotel boutique to refer to the Morgans Hotel. This word is still alive and quickly caused many changes in the hotel industry. Shortly afterwards, similar hotels were spotted in New York, London and San Francisco. Boutique hotels have revolutionized the hotel industry, providing a wide market for travelers and hoteliers.

What is the difference between a boutique hotel and a regular hotel?

Although technically a hotel boutique can be called a hotel, but there are differences that distinguish them from other hotels. Here are four important differences.
1. Chain and classic hotels should all express their hotel brand; At the same time, each hotel boutique builds its own brand, personality and identity.
2. Ordinary hotels are in competition with luxury space; Hotel boutiques, on the other hand, focus on culture and history, and most of the designs in them are traditional and local.
3. The interior of ordinary hotels is formal and can lead to intimacy; But if the atmosphere of a hotel boutique is not warm and friendly, other guests will not return there.
4. The last difference between hotel boutiques and ordinary hotels is in the variety and creative use of space. Imagine hotels built in one area; What can be the distinguishing feature and criteria for choosing customers in them? Now imagine how many hotel boutiques in a particular area like Kashan, how can hoteliers differentiate? Management in boutique hotels faces certain complexities.

Read more:
The most famous boutique hotels in Iran
Features of the boutique hotel

Caption: The hotel boutique is an independent hotel with no more than 200 rooms. It is built in a city or country that hosts tourists, in accordance with local culture, history and characteristics. If we look at all the boutiques of hotels together, we get constant features between them. Compared to regular hotels, boutique hotels are usually smaller, more intimate, have more artistic features, and have a higher focus on hotel design. It is because of these features that hotel boutiques are trending in the virtual world, especially Instagram. Chain and classic hotels should all reflect the brand of their hotel; At the same time, each hotel boutique builds its own brand, personality and identity. The interior of a typical hotel is formal and can lead to intimacy; But if the atmosphere of a hotel boutique is not warm and friendly, other guests will not return there.

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